Lean business planning is closely linked with the lean start-up movement and replaces the traditional bulky, unnecessarily complex business plan with a much shorter, easier-to-create, and reader-friendly version. It's about simplicity and efficiency. Today there are many variations of lean business planning. Our solution combines a one-page business canvas with monthly cash flow projections -- an essential component of any credible business plan.
Participants will learn how to design and offer products and services that customers really want and willing to pay for. Instead of spending months planning and writing a long business plan, the Lean Startup approach involves experimentation by launching Minimum Viable Products (MVP) to find out what customers really want, quickly and with minimum investment.
Participants will learn how to estimate the financing needs of their startups using cash flow projections. Different sources of financing will be discussed and the typical requiments for each type of financing will be explained. The increasingly popular approach of self financing or bootstrapping a business, especially relevant for internet based businesses, will also be presented.
A mobile friendly web app that enables entrepreneurs to develop their Business Canvas on the cloud and work on it anywhere as long as they have a mobile smart phone and an internet connection.The app is extremely simple to use and empowers entrepreneurs to create, visualize and optimize their business models for startup or expansion without wasting capital or overcomplicating their efforts.
توفير انماط جديده ومتميزه لعرض المقالات بالصفحه الرئيسيه .
لتوجية الزائر لصفحة انتظار لإبقاء الزاير بالموقع لأطول فتره ممكنه .
نظام اعلاني مميز يمكنك من خلاله اضافة اعلانات في جميع انحاء القالب مع امكانية تخصيص اعلانات لكل كاتب .
دعم الاكواد المختصره للأزرار ورسائل التنبيه والميجا مينيو .